Vaping and Vaporizers Top 5 Myths

Vaping and Vaporizers Top 5 Myths

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling aerosol created by an e-cigarette or similar device. The word "vape" can also refer to the vapor that is produced from heating up a liquid inside the e-cigarette. The liquid contains nicotine, propylene glycol and flavorings. Vaping has less damaging effects than smoking cigarettes because it doesn't contain carcinogens like tar. On the other hand, vaping could lead to nicotine addiction in teens who would otherwise never smoke tobacco products. Let's explore these myths together!

MYTH 1: The FDA doesn't approve of vaping

This myth is not true though because they are actually for it. The FDA does have regulations in place for this product to make sure that it is not getting into the hands of children. It also ensures that people are using it in a safe way. In 2016, the FDA passed a rule that allowed stores to sell e-cigarettes. However, they urged companies manufacturing vape products to include a warning label on their products that clearly showed the ingredients contained. Quite frankly, the FDA treats vape products like any other tobacco product.

MYTH 2: Vaping Is Just as Bad as Smoking

Vaping has been shown to be less dangerous than cigarette smoking by a wide margin. But, many people still believe it's just as bad. The problem with this belief is that it leads smokers who are trying to quit, back to cigarettes because they don't think vaping will help them reach their goal of quitting tobacco altogether. Vaping produces a vapor that has little nicotine content. Inhaling the vapor does not expose the user to other chemicals found in cigarette smoke.

Also, vaping does not cause lung cancer or bronchitis. E-cigarettes have chemicals in them, but not as many as the ones in cigarettes. So, they are safer for you to use than cigarettes. Furthermore, since the introduction of vaping products, conventional cigarette use among teens has substantially decreased.

MYTH 3: You Can't Vape in Public Places Because It's Illegal

The law states that you cannot smoke cigarettes or marijuana in a public place. However, there are no laws against vaping at all anywhere! This means that vapers can enjoy their favorite flavors and stay safe while doing so. Vapor batteries heat up the vape juice and create an inhalable vapor. Nicotine levels in vape juices are generally significantly lower than those of tobacco cigarettes. So, it's unlikely that one would have any adverse consequences from just being around someone who’s vaping. The only caveat is that you must be 18 years old or older to purchase one from a shop that sells the vaporizer.

MYTH 4: Vaping Is Not Completely Harmless

 Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are becoming increasingly popular among teens and adults, who see vaping as a safer alternative to smoking tobacco. This is not the case. The main danger is from the vape liquid which contains heavy metals such as nickel and zinc. These metals can be inhaled and produce free radicals that may cause cancer cells. The chemicals in e-cigarettes can damage cells and DNA.

They can also cause impotence or slow sperm production and harm the lungs. Vaporizers don't combust the nicotine like a traditional cigarette so they don't release carbon monoxide. But, they still emit substances like nitrous oxide (N20) which is a harmful gas with some effects similar to carbon monoxide. Vaping may be less harmful than smoking regular cigarettes, but it’s certainly not completely harmless.

MYTH 5: Vaping Will Lead to Nicotine Addiction

Vaping is a relatively new concept and the long-term effects are still unknown. It's not uncommon for people to think that vaping leads to nicotine addiction because they're so similar in appearance. However, there are some significant differences between smoking cigarettes and vaping that makes it less likely you'll become addicted to the latter form of tobacco use. The most important difference is that with cigarettes, most carcinogens come from smoke inhalation. That means that when you vape instead of smoking, you aren't inhaling any harmful toxins into your lungs. That is the most serious risk associated with cigarette use.

The difference between cigarettes and e-cigarettes comes down to nicotine content. While most commercially available cigarettes contain more than 20 milligrams of nicotine, e-liquids typically contain between 0.0%-18.0% of the drug in vapor form. That means that when you vape instead of smoking cigarettes, you're not putting as much addictive substance into your body. You are also not passing it on to anyone else within breathing distance.


With so much misinformation out there, it's important for you to take charge of your own health by educating yourself on all sides of an issue before making decisions. Do not just rely on articles from websites that have a clear bias one way or another. If you’re ready to take steps towards a healthier lifestyle by switching from traditional cigarettes or tobacco products, then start today!

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